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« The Table Awaits (…and a Guessing Game) | Main | »

02 April 2011


What a great picture!

Tana, hang in there! You have no need to explain - sometimes life takes over. This sounds like that time. Find some things that make to feel good and give you balance and creativity but perhaps you don't need to feel so driven or responsible about...We're all in the thick of it these days.

I have never been more surprised or more touched by someone's expression of honesty than I have right now. I had no idea that you were struggling, if I had known, I would have reached out to you in any way I could. I feel your pain deeply, your love for Logan, your love for what you do that you are very good at. There is a reflex within me to identify and react to someone in distress, that is why I'm here, that is why I'm letting you know that I've been here. I believe by reaching out and trying to help that it can make a difference in someone's life. When they reach back, the very minimum they know is that someone cares and they are not alone in their struggles. I'm not a genius, I'm not a lot of things, but what I am is someone who truly cares. I'm holding you close, sending out good thoughts that there is a break for you very soon. Something for you to grab hold of and know that all of these circumstances will turn around eventually. Until then, just know that I was here and that I do care. Joanne Firth

you are not alone and you have put to words the feelings and anxieties that I feel myself.
have no words for you...except to say, dont give up.
hope things will change for us all.

Hang in there, my friend. I had no idea things were so hard. Will try to help.

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