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02 April 2008


No worries: The Gas Card Lady [hearts] Barack Obama madly.

She tries, though, not to dwell on the possibilities too much because she's gotten her heart broken one too many times in this particular disco.

"I do intend to thumb my nose (and possibly moon) lobbyists, and to decry the politicians who affiliate with them, and who owe them favors for political contributions. I can't be plainer about that: it needs to change, and it can change, and I'm happy to be surfing the wave with all the other bright people who see what I see."

I love that you're passionate about your candidate, the future, and voting--something we need a whole lot more of in this country, imho. But just a note that the media isn't really covering a substantial component of B's past: he's a product of the Chicago political machine. Regardless of how he sounds now, he would not be in politics with the support and backing of some really icky folks--and in this state, if you are part of the establishment once, you're indebted to it always. Trust me (I live in Illinois) when I say that's not something to be proud of... Chicago got the "windy city" nickname b/c of politics--not the lake.

Not intending to offend or start an political debate--just want to raise a flag.


Super cool info about the tomatoes--I've subscribed to the mailing list. I have a tiny strip of full sun where I squeeze in as many oddball tomato varieties as I can--it's great to have someone else's comprehensive notes about varieties as a resource! Thanks!

Jess, I know about his political roots, and I believe he's used them for good, and not evil. The proof is in the pudding.

Thanks for visiting and leaving a thoughtful comment.

And hee, hee, hee. Someone (not the first time) landed on my blog from a Google for "tomato + lady + 'ben lomond.' "

Great post, and nice to see you are back. I have my tomatoes seeds ready to go and got excited to see all those beautiful starters from Love Apple Farm.
Of course food and politics go hand in hand. They are a part of life, and it's YOUR blog =)
I had been sitting on the fence between HRC and Obama, and frankly, like you, I am so ripe and ready for a change. You put it very well. And I have been wondering what their views on the Farm Bill, GMO's, the industrialization of our food, chemical vs. organic methods, and how do we work toward localizing our food resources if new farmers can't even get a loan to start farming. So, thanks for the link to Obama's page where I can share my ideas. Food and Farms are high on my list.

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