Today I received a comment from a reader who's visited before. She gave me permission to post on her behalf, and hopefully someone here in Santa Cruz county can help this family out.
She writes: “Hi Tana,
“I have enjoyed reading your farm blogs, and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
“I am also writing for your help. (I was the one who wrote some months ago about the Ludwig the goat). My family and I live in Bonny Doon, and we have just received eviction notices for our animals—we have two Saanen goats, a brother and sister; and two Suffolk sheep, a mother and daughter. The tragedy is that we had moved out here for the animals, and now we find that unless we can find boarding for them, we, too will, be faced with eviction proceedings. We love our animals—they are truly the sweetest animals ever, they are healthy (because they do not eat any grains) and they are gentle. I can post pictures. We do not want to give them up, so we are looking for temporary boarding for them, until we can find a new place for all of us. Ideally, the place will be near or around Santa Cruz, because we would be visiting as often as we can.
”I trust that, because of the farmers and people you know, that whomever you recommend will be good people.”
Then she sent photos and wrote: “Here are some pictures of our kids with the animals. The Saanen male is a wether—his name is Vladimir, and his sister is Brenda. They will be 2 in April 2007. Flower is our ewe, and her daughter is Biscuit, who will be 1 in April 2007. Flower has arthritis in her one front leg, but she is mobile and quite healthy otherwise--she does not need any medication. Biscuit has not been docked.”
So there it is. Do any of you readers have a solution for her? (Aren't those beautiful children?!)
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