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« The Chef's Farmer: Peter Jacobsen | Main | Culinary Pumpkins & Squashes »

02 November 2005


That's fabulous!


[/channeling Monica Geller]

: D

Surely an earth mother can use a screwdriver!

[to put on her awesome new license plate, I mean]

Hiya, Max,

Since you are the second person (man!) to bring this up, here's what I think:

I'm bring practical.

Bob has all the tools on his truck. He's a general contractor. I make every meal in this house (well, the ones worth mentioning, and certainly 99% of breakfast and dinner), and we have an exchange of labor.

What he can do in two minutes would take me twenty: I would spend 18 minutes looking for the proper wrench or tool or whatever you call it.

We're not cavemen people, but we divvy things up. Egalitarian with the morning tea, we are, and with other things.

We both do laundry, we both change Logan's diapers, we both clean house, and we both do dishes. He gardens and fixes things. I buy the groceries; he pays rent. I pay for my car to be fixed. He doesn't work on my car. I pay utilities. We both share generously with the other when we get windfalls. (And I take him to dinner lots with my trade situations with restaurants. He leaves the tip.)

I ain't afraid of anyone thinking I'm a cripple. I am just not stupid. And I don't want to break a nail. Bob can change my license tags. I mostly don't care that he can't concoct dishes that dazzle. We have a good thing. Believe it or not.

I hope that mollifies somewhat.

Dang, I used maff and counted my words. ILIKEHAM don't fit, MEATHENGE doesn't either. Sigh.

You can do I (HEART) BACON or MEAT or HAM or whatever--the DMV website tells you if something is taken. What I especially like is that the ones with the symbols (hearts, stars, hands) benefit a children's health and safety fund.

GO FOR IT, Dr. Biggles.

Hey Tana,

I'm still trying. I almost had one, I heart fry pans, still no fit.
Oh dear, I just had an epiphany. And it's a huge-big clear one too. Are you ready? Sitting down? Clear your mind for this one.
I heart Gravy.
It's a glance in to my inner soul.


Love your license plate--can't believe it wasn't taken.

And I took the quiz. I'm a Punk Rock Mommy! My family will crack up when they hear that. Guess I haven't lost my edge completely (back in college I had spiky hair).

You'd probably really like where i live in the summer. Im in total farm country. I have read your postings on eG and Im wondering why you stopped posting. If you're interested, I was a foodblogger last May on Eg.

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